
Curse of Social Media

21:51, 28 Mar 2024

News News!! social media is a curse

Privacy, freedom etc

Most social media is a cancer when it comes to freedom & privacy etc you're only shown the beliefs that are considered "good" by the t&c's of that site.
ABSOLUTELY PROPRIATORY: fuck yo privacy every picture u post every keypress u make everything will be recorded <3.

IDC ABT MUH PRIVACY: u're stupid, idc that ydc but because most people are like you and they don't care thanks to you guys my privacy is compromised too <3.

Just use foss social media

NO ONE USES IT. (shares all the flaws im gonna mention with social media)

It's alot more than just privacy.

Privacy problem isn't tied to social media & it's kinda more of a society problem.

People In groups are always stupid.